Hair removal common Q&A

Q1: Should I shave before depilation?
A1: Yes, and it is best to scrape it one or two days before. Let the hair grow to just hit the head. This can absorb enough heat to scald the stem cells in the hair follicle, but not because of too much hair, causing too much heat to burn and burn. If you scrape it on the same day or pull it out, the effect will be very bad.

Q2: Will the hair be rougher and thicker?
A2: No. The anatomy of the hair follicle can help understand.
Q3: My hair is super black and thick, is it necessary to strengthen energy?
A3: Wrong. If the hair is super black and super thick, it means it is easy to absorb heat. At this time, it is necessary to reduce the energy according to the situation!
Q4: Will hair removal be the same every time?
A4: The pain will drop every time. Because the amount of melanin is getting less and less, the hair becomes thinner and the color is lighter, of course, it will become more and more painless!
Q5: What kind of people can't remove hair?
A5: Pregnancy. Or someone who is now in the state of folliculitis.
Q6: What should I pay attention to after hair removal?
A6: Clean with warm or cold water. Use as low an irritant as possible. And strengthen moisturizing and sun protection.
Q7: Why is the hair after the laser growing out?
A7. After the hair follicle stem cells are destroyed by the laser, even if they have not yet died, the function has been greatly reduced. Of course, the hair that grows will become thinner!


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